About Us

Al Samhan Factory For Saudi Pumps is the first pump factory established in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in the year 1985. The company is a national leader in pumps production for residential and agricultural sectors, as well as a major player in the water technologies market.

38 years of experience

Al Samhan Factory For Saudi Pumps is the first pump factory established in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in the year 1985. The company is a national leader in pumps production for residential and agricultural sectors, as well as a major player in the water technologies market.

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38 years of experience

The factory's vision includes being a leader in the manufacture and production of water pumps in the Kingdom and the Arab world and providing the local market with pumps for general and special applications

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38 years of experience

Producing and assembling American and European surface and submersible water pumps according to the client's request.
Developing the factory's research and development department to keep pace with market requirements and modern pump technologies.
Improving production lines and making them flexible to keep pace with modern production requirements and thus reach a market within a short period.
Developing the marketing department and management system to keep pace with production and distribution requirements.
Providing the consumer with maintenance and spare parts through branches and points of sale in Riyadh, Jeddah and Dammam.
Marketing the factory's products through points of sale in the branches in Riyadh, Jeddah and Dammam, as well as through social media systems.

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Al Riyadh, Saudi Arabia